
One of my handicaps concerning the MG reallygoodejob is that small yet not insignificant fact that I am not American.  Or perhaps I should be more specific:  I have no working permit in my hand, no green card and no hope of a quick solution.

So I did the only thing a gal could do.  I hit the Governator up for help as I was seeking to become the Gewürztremantor.  (And I even asked if he would be interested in giving me a guest post :mrgreen: ).

Two days before the apps need to be in I received a response.  Here it is:

governor Schwarzenegger

So.  There you have it.  Governor Schwarzenegger “is honored that you would seek his assistance with this matter.”  But as usual, he it is out of his jurisdiction.  Anyone know anything about Senators Feinstein and/or Boxer?

Murphy-Goode has expanded my personal experience in ways I never imagined.  It has been a learning experience from the get-go.  When the next social media guru gig hits (as we can all be sure it will), we should all be ready to boldly step forward and shine, shine, shine.  I know I’m taking home a whole suitcase full of “how-tos”, “don’t forgets” and “think abouts”… like solicite help as early as possible and don’t be afraid to do so:  Regardless of the position of the person or the percieved time, you will never know unless you try and you have nothing to loose.

Wont you share a lesson or two you have learned along side your Murphy-Goode application process?